

Regarding the creation of family-type kindergartens and corporate kindergartens

On April 21, the All-Ukrainian meeting on the state and prospects for the development of preschool education was held at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the participation of Deputy Minister Pavlo Khobzei. Employees of the preschool education department of the department took part in the meeting


The MES found a solution to the problem with textbooks

The Minister of Education and Science, Liliya Hrynevych, during the government meeting, proposed a decision that would provide textbooks for students of 4th and 7th grades of general educational institutions. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Education and Culture. In particular, the ministry reported that


Liliya Hrynevych spoke about the school reform

The Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Liliya Hrynevych, spoke on the air of the program "Breakfast 1+1" about the tasks of the Ministry in reforming the Ukrainian school. According to the minister, it is necessary to create conditions for raising a child according to European standards at the school.


Certificates of 9th and 11th grades will be issued on time

"The first meetings in the ministry are to resolve urgent crisis issues. Based on numerous letters from teachers and heads of schools, a meeting was held regarding the production of certificates and certificates of education for graduates of the 9th and 11th grades. There is a real threat


Interview of Lilia Hrynevych regarding future changes in education

Lilia Mykhailivna, is it true that you hesitated when you accepted the offer to head the Ministry of Education? I really hesitated. The main reason is the draft basic law "On Education", which will soon be voted on in the parliament. We finally finalized and prepared for


Public discussion of education reform

The Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science invites public discussion of the concept of secondary school reform. This is stated in the message of the public council on Facebook. Educators, parents, representatives of the public, authorities are invited to participate in the discussion


Timely issuance of education documents, Liliya Hrynevych

On April 15, Deputy Prime Minister Vyacheslav Kyrylenko introduced the Minister of Education and Science Lilia Hrynevych to the staff of the Ministry of Education and Science. During the event, Kyrylenko emphasized the importance of the tasks performed by the Ministry of Education and Science and emphasized the importance of preservation and development


Redistribution of funds for textbooks

The government redistributed some of the state budget expenditures provided to the Ministry of Education and Science for 2016. The relevant order is published on the website of the Government portal. According to the Government's decision, the amount of educational subvention expenditures from the state budget has been reduced


The demand for taking the final examination in mathematics in 2016 is decreasing

On April 14, a press conference of the director of the Ukrainian Center for Evaluation of the Quality of Education was held. Vadym Karandiy informed about the number of people registered to participate in the main session of external independent evaluation in 2016, and also told how to get an invitation-pass from


Liliya Hrynevych became the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine

At a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman announced the new composition of the Cabinet of Ministers. After the discussion, the deputies gave 139 "yes" votes. Liliya Hrynevych became the new Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine. Liliya Mykhailivna is a politician, popular


How they learn in a village school

In the village of Cherny Potik, Nadvirnyan district, Ivano-Frankivsk region, there is no place for children to study. Currently, more than 400 children seek to acquire knowledge, but the premises of the old school cannot accommodate such a large number of students, informs ZIK. Some study in

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