

Audition in DPA in a foreign language in the 9th grade

In order for school students to be able to prepare in advance for listening during the 11th grade foreign language external examination, listening is being introduced as part of the DPA for foreign language in the 9th grade starting this year. This is about it


Accession of Ukraine to the "Horizon-Europe" program

In 2 years, Ukraine was able to implement a significant part of the recommendations of the European independent audit of the Ukrainian science and innovation system, but a large volume of work is also ahead. This was emphasized by representatives of the European Commission during the meeting of the Ukraine-EU Joint Committee on


Only 11th grade students will take the DPA using the ZNO technology

This year, 9th-grade students will not take the state final attestation based on VET technology - clarification of the Ministry of Education and Culture of 2019, only 11th-grade students will take the state final attestation based on VET technology, as well as students of higher institutions (colleges


New rules for evaluating scientific institutions

In 2019, scientific institutions will start evaluating according to the new rules - the Ministry of Education and Science has developed the appropriate methodology. This year, the evaluation of scientific institutions will begin in Ukraine according to new rules - it will be conducted by independent experts based on uniform, transparent criteria, with


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We sincerely wish you a happy New Year and Christmas! May your hearts be warmed by love and warmth, homes be filled with kindness, joy and well-being, and your eyes shine with happiness. Let with the last minutes of the Old Year


Happy Defender of Ukraine Day

Dear defenders of Ukraine! Congratulations on Defender of Ukraine Day! This is a real holiday of courage and self-sacrifice, a holiday of chivalry and nobility, which are possessed by the real defenders, liberators and defenders of Ukraine, and at the same time it has become a personified holiday of all men. It


Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Dear, lovely teachers! This good and joyful day - teacher's day is special, because it is you who, for many years, is present in the life of every student almost every day. Know that all children and parents really love


Regarding the conduct of the ZNO-2019

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 28, 2018 No. 1036 approved the calendar plan for the preparation and conduct of external independent evaluation in 2019. According to the order, registration of persons to participate in the external independent


The concept of the development of civic education in Ukraine was approved

In the context of the implementation of the educational reform, it is important to foresee the ways in which the development of human civic competences will take place. Currently, they are prescribed in the Concept of the Development of Civic Education in Ukraine, which was adopted at a meeting on October 3, 2018

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