Regarding external independent assessment in mathematics

zno_zdachaOn May 11, 2016, an external independent assessment in mathematics will take place. Please note that at the entrance to the post-examination examination point, you must present:

– Certificate of external independent assessment;

– Passport or other document, the series and number of which are indicated in the Certificate;

– An invitation-pass to participate in an external independent evaluation.

In the absence of a Certificate, passport or other document, the series and number of which are indicated in the Certificate, or if copies of these documents are presented, the applicant will not be admitted to the examination point.

We remind you that admission of participants to the point of external independent assessment will last from 10:15 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.

Remember that during the time allotted for the certification work, the applicant must not have with him any means of communication, devices for reading, processing, saving and reproducing information, as well as individual elements that may be components of the relevant technical means or devices, printed and handwritten materials, which are not provided for by the procedure of external assessment.

The content of the certification work is determined on the basis of the Program of external independent assessment in mathematics for persons who wish to obtain a higher education on the basis of a complete general secondary education (approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, order dated 01.10.2014 No. 1121; letter dated 20.10.2015 No. 1/11-15239).

The total number of certification tasks is 33.

180 minutes are allotted for the work.

WARNING! The result of tasks 1-28, 31, 32 will be counted as a state final certification.

Solutions to tasks in the draft are not checked and are not taken into account.

The maximum number of points that can be scored by correctly solving all tasks (1-28, 31, 32), which will be counted as a state final certification, is 52.

The maximum number of points that can be scored by correctly completing all tasks (1-33) of the certification work is 62.

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