

Happy Day of Ukrainian writing and language

Dear fellow citizens! We sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Ukrainian writing and language! This holiday is a tribute to one of the most valuable possessions created and left to us by our predecessors. The language is the soul of the nation, its genetic code,


Student competition of IT projects "IT-Maritime"

The Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport named after Hetman Petro Konashevich-Sagaydachny invites students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine during December 15-17, 2015 to participate in the annual student competition of IT projects "IT-Maritime". The competition is aimed at identifying innovative projects


Registration for the trial examination

Trial external independent assessment is aimed at facilitating and adapting graduates of educational institutions to the process of preparing the main testing session. Also, participants of the trial ZNO will be able to familiarize themselves with various forms of test tasks, calculate the time of working with the test tasks


German specialists will retrain workers in the Lviv Region

In the Lviv region, specialists from the Federal Republic of Germany are organizing courses for the training of workers. This initiative came from German companies operating in the region and experiencing a shortage of skilled workers. The courses will be organized by representatives of German organizations that


Reduction of 3% budget employees by the government

All-Ukrainian trade unions of employees in the budgetary sphere declare that the Ministry of Finance and other ministries have sent letters to the regional and Kyiv city state administrations with the task of saving budget funds by reducing the number of full-time employees by 3%


Finalization of the draft law on scientific and scientific and technical activity

All those willing are invited to the work of the group on the finalization of the draft law on scientific and scientific and technical activities through an online broadcast. On Friday, October 23, at 10:00 a.m., the meeting of the working group will begin. During the first session, four draft laws were considered


To the Defender of Ukraine Day

Dear men! Congratulations on Defender of Ukraine Day! In the memory of today's and future descendants, the feats of all defenders, their boundless devotion and love for their native land, courage and heroism will forever be preserved. October 14 is a holiday


Changes to the order on conducting DPA

In accordance with the numerous appeals of public organizations, parents and students, changes were made to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 16, 2015 No. 940 "On conducting state final certification of students (students) in


Greetings on Teacher's Day

Dear educators! We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming professional holiday! We express our heartfelt gratitude for your tireless work, for your great talent and vocation to sow wisdom and knowledge, for your love for children and your native land. Your hearts


Defender of Ukraine Day in schools

The Ministry of Education and Science appealed to local education management bodies, institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education and educational institutions with a request to organize events to celebrate Defender of Ukraine Day. This is stated in the letter of the Ministry of Education and Culture, which also


Educators ask the president to return the 20% allowance

The head of the Ternopil regional organization of the trade union of education and science workers, Lyudmila Mokey, registered a petition for the return of the allowance. "We once again appeal to you with the hope of being heard about the need to preserve the premium for the prestige of pedagogical work

Order Web Dean's Office

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Packages of technical support services

Development of new reporting
Skype consultations/Working group
Consultations by email
Upgrade to a new version
% from the current cost of the system per year

Free technical support for users of the ACS "VNOZ" is provided within 12 months after the signing of the contract for the purchase of the program.

Dear users! In connection with the growth of the exchange rate, the cost of technical support will be calculated from the current prices for ACS of the university on the day of the conclusion of the contract.

ASU University: Admissions Committee

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ASU of the university: Dean's office

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ASU "VNZ": Full version

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