

The standard of education of preschoolers has been developed, MES

The Ministry of Education has developed a basic component of preschool education. The draft document was submitted for public discussion ( The basic component is the state standard of education, which contains norms and regulations that determine the state requirements for the level of development, education and


Regarding the terms of schooling, - MES

The debate that continues in the educational community about the dates of the beginning and end of schooling does not in any case involve the return of the decade. Acting President wrote about this in his Telegram. Minister of Education and Science Serhii Shkarlet,


Regarding obtaining higher education at the enterprise

The Ministry of Education and Science has developed a draft regulation that defines the procedure for obtaining higher and professional pre-higher education according to the dual form of obtaining education. Studying according to the dual form of education involves the implementation of the educational process in two places


Regarding the closing of schools in 50 cities and districts until November 8

From October 26, a new distribution of regions according to the levels of epidemic danger of the spread of COVID-19 will be effective in Ukraine. The relevant decision was adopted by the State Commission on Technological and Environmental Safety and Emergency Situations at a meeting held on October 23. According to


E-platform for foreign applicants

In the near future, an electronic platform will be created in Ukraine, which should ensure transparent conditions for admission of foreign students to institutions of higher education. This was discussed during the meeting dedicated to the launch of the Unified Interdepartmental Electronic Platform under


The 2021 admissions campaign will be held in July

In 2021, the registration of electronic offices of applicants who will enter the first year for the degree of Junior Bachelor, Bachelor or Master of Medicine will begin on July 1. The corresponding norm is contained in the Conditions of admission to higher education institutions in 2021


A new State Standard for professional education has been developed - MES

The Ministry of Education and Science has developed a new state standard for professional (vocational and technical) education. The draft document has been published for public discussion, which will last until October 30. The purpose of adopting the standard is to determine the requirements for mandatory key and professional


Happy Defender of Ukraine Day

Dear defenders of Ukraine! We congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - Defender of Ukraine Day. This day represents courage, strength, honor and duty! You have proven that you are worthy descendants of the Ukrainian Cossacks. We sincerely wish you strong, unbreakable health


Preschool education institutions will continue their work as usual, - MES

Preschool education institutions in Ukraine will continue to work as usual. This is stated in the commentary of the Ministry of Education and Science. At the same time, the department notes that the priority of organizing the work of preschool education institutions should remain strict compliance


Students cannot be kicked out of dormitories, - MES

If it is impossible to ensure safe epidemiological conditions for the mass stay of students in dormitories, the Ministry of Education and Science recommends the heads of institutions to ensure their temporary departure for the period from October 15 to November 15. This is about it

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