
Achievement in

More than 20 years in the field of education, works in the largest universities of the country

Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, provided with a seal of conformity

Full interaction with the programs of EDEB, UTSOYAO, IVS "OSVITA"

Reliable "Oracle" database with triple protection of information

More than 70 universities and more than 1200 users

The only information database of universities

Compliance with ISO requirements

Operational technical support of the system

Components systems

ACS "University" performs a large number of tasks of an educational institution, and consists of three main components. The use of the automation system significantly affects the competitive advantages of the educational institution in the market of educational services.

AS "Admission Commission"
Speeds up the work of the admissions committee and ensures the storage of applicants' personal files and information about admission results for use in the institution's divisions.
AS "Dekanat"
A software and technology complex for managing the educational process of an educational institution, designed to organize the work of methodologists and reduce the amount of documentation on paper media.
AS "Studmistechko"
It automates the activities of the directorate of the student campus of the educational institution, simplifies and improves document flow.
Web account "Teacher"
The teacher's electronic office is designed to simplify processes directly related to exam information and the teacher's schedule.
Web account "Student"
The student's electronic office is designed to simplify processes directly related to students, their workload and academic performance.
"Safe University" project
The complex is designed to increase the level of security of students, teachers and premises of educational institutions. 

Synchronization with educational projects

ACS "VNOZ" has full interaction with state databases, which reduces the amount of manual work and the amount of time spent on administrative work.

The main purpose of the database is to provide state authorities, local self-government bodies, individuals and legal entities with information in the field of education.

A complex of administrative, legal, software and hardware and technical means that ensure the construction of a single integrated information environment of the country in the field of education.

Schedule always near at hand

Every educational institution that uses the ACS "VNOZ" can receive a Web schedule, and its students and teachers can download the free application "ASU VNOZ. Schedule"

It's easy, just a few simple steps to install the Web Timetable on your school's website so that students and staff can always see their schedule. The module is optimized for all known browsers, so high-quality display of the schedule is guaranteed.

A concise, bright and convenient interface that is understandable to every user. The diverse functionality of the application allows the user not only to view the schedule, but also to find the building and find out the phone number of the educational institution.

In addition, in the "ASU of the University. "Schedule" you can leave notes, as well as indicate which pair these data belong to and when it is necessary to remind them.

News and updates

Always up to date with the ASU VNZ – your higher education institution in your pocket!

Відтепер управління академічним життям студентів та викладачів стало ще простіший з мобільним застосунком АСУ ВНЗ! З легкістю переглядайте розклад та дізнавайтеся про академічні події. Застосунок ...
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Happy New Year 2024!

Від щирого серця хочемо висловити найтепліші побажання здоров’я, щастя та благополуччя кожному з вас. Нехай новий 2024 рік принесе нам усім бажану перемогу та мир, ...
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Happy Armed Forces of Ukraine Day!!!

Сьогодні в Україні святкується День Збройних Сил, день, який відзначає мужність та відданість військових, які стоять на захисті суверенітету та незалежності країни. У цей особливий ...
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Distance education will replace correspondence

Починаючи з 2024 року, дистанційна форма навчання замінить заочну та вечірню у вищих навчальних закладах. Це нововведення передбачено у законопроекті, спрямованому на підвищення гнучкості освітніх ...
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Students will have the opportunity to choose a specialty after completing the 1st or 2nd year

Після отримання 60–120 кредитів ЄКТС студентам буде надано право визначити свою спеціальність у рамках галузевого напрямку. Законопроект, що отримав підтримку Кабінету Міністрів, передбачає впровадження ініціативи ...
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Students studying on a contract basis will have the opportunity to adjust the terms of their studies

Студенти, які навчаються на контракті в Українських вишах, отримають можливість самостійно встановлювати терміни свого навчання згідно конкретної освітньої програми. Цей інноваційний підхід передбачено в законопроекті, ...
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Work with clients

In the process of implementing the project, the customer is regularly consulted about the capabilities of the system. The selected approach to project implementation ensures further high-quality and fruitful cooperation.

Stage 1

Presentation and test access to the system

Stage 1

Stage 2

We help to understand and collect wishes

Stage 2

Stage 3

We sign the contract, deliver the system, import the database

Stage 3

Stage 4

We implement wishes and provide technical support

Stage 4

Us chose

More than 70 educational institutions of Ukraine are already successfully using the system

National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI"
Odesa National Law Academy
Azov State Technical University
Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ohienko
Admiral Makarov National Shipbuilding University
Kherson State Maritime Academy
Chernihiv National Technological University
Kyiv National Linguistic University
National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets
Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs
Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law
Lutsk National Technical University

Cost systems


Full version

52 200

The system immediately includes 5 connections and a server. If necessary, you can purchase additional connections.

The first year of technical support is free. Will be available next year technical support packages.



36 000

The system immediately includes 5 connections and a server. If necessary, you can purchase additional connections.

The first year of technical support is free. Will be available next year technical support packages.



25 620

The system immediately includes 5 connections and a server. If necessary, you can purchase additional connections.

The first year of technical support is free. Will be available next year technical support packages.

Online application

Web Dekanat

60 000

The system has no restrictions on the number of simultaneous connections.

The first year of technical support is free. The continuation of technical support for the next period is 25% of the current cost of the system.

The processor license of ACS "VNO" is calculated individually, as it directly depends on the number of simultaneous users (more than 30 simultaneous users).

Online application Web Dean's office

Fill out the form and we will contact you shortly

ACS "VNOZ" - Automated management system of universities of all accreditation levels

Leave a request

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ACS "VNOZ" - Automated management system of universities of all accreditation levels

Packages of technical support services

Development of new reporting
Skype consultations/Working group
Consultations by email
Upgrade to a new version
% from the current cost of the system per year

Free technical support for users of the ACS "VNOZ" is provided within 12 months after the signing of the contract for the purchase of the program.

Dear users! In connection with the growth of the exchange rate, the cost of technical support will be calculated from the current prices for ACS of the university on the day of the conclusion of the contract.

ASU University: Admissions Committee

Fill out the form and we will contact you shortly

ACS "VNOZ" - Automated management system of universities of all accreditation levels

ASU of the university: Dean's office

Fill out the form and we will contact you shortly

ACS "VNOZ" - Automated management system of universities of all accreditation levels

ASU of universities: Full version

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ACS "VNOZ" - Automated management system of universities of all accreditation levels

Order a calculation

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ACS "VNOZ" - Automated management system of universities of all accreditation levels