

Modernization of the network of the State Inspectorate of Educational Institutions, MES

The Ministry of Education and Culture will cooperate with Czech partners in the field of modernization of the network of the State Inspectorate of Educational Institutions, in particular, methodical and consulting assistance will be provided. This was discussed during the meeting of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Liliya Hrynevych


A Ukrainian teacher is our priority, - the Prime Minister

Quality education will ensure Ukraine's breakthrough in the economy and other spheres. This was stated by Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman during a conversation with journalists at the fruit storage of LLC "Ukraine" in the Ternopil region. "Quality education will give a breakthrough to the country and


In the capital, schools will announce quarantine on their own

У Києві спостерігається погіршення епідемічної ситуації щодо захворюваності на грип та ГРВІ, однак вона не є однорідною для всіх районів міста. Задля уникнення загального призупинення навчального процесу та водночас недопущення поширення інфекції міська влада


Assistance to students living in dormitories - MES

Міністерство освіти і науки України надіслало листа Київській міській організації Профспілки працівників освіти і науки України  щодо  доручення Прем’єр-міністра України В. Гройсмана від 11.11.2016 № 40222/1/1-16. З огляду  на сьогоднішню ситуацію в країні, зокрема,


The first session of the Children's and Youth Parliament of Kyiv

7 грудня, до Дня місцевого самоврядування, в сесійній залі Київради відбудеться Перша сесія дитячо-юнацького парламенту Києва. 120 делегатів від столичної учнівської молоді зберуться у сесійній залі Київської міської ради, де обговорюватимуть нагальні питання молоді


Regarding receiving a scholarship in 2017

It is planned that from 2017, not all students with an average of four per session will receive a scholarship, but those who took the highest places in the ranking compiled by universities. Such a vision of changing the system of scholarship support was presented yesterday, the 29th


Trial external examination in 2017

Trial external independent evaluation is carried out by regional centers for evaluation of the quality of education. The main purpose of conducting trial testing is to reproduce the conditions and technology of conducting external examinations for the psychological preparation of future applicants for participation in external independent evaluation.


Support of teachers by the Ministry, Liliya Hrynevych

With the beginning of 2017, it is planned to raise the salary of teaching staff, but this is not enough, because the success of secondary education reform depends only on teachers. This was stated by the Minister of Education Liliya Hrynevych during a visit to the Rivne region. By


TITLE will be introduced by the Policy Paper

The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education will develop and implement a Policy Paper for higher education degree holders (Bachelor, Master, Ph.D, Doctor of Science). This was reported by the head of the Secretariat NAMELY, elected Head of the Agency Serhiy Hrapaty on


Congratulations on International Student Day

Dear students! This day has a special meaning for students all over the world, because it is International Student Day. This holiday brings together and unites young people from all over the world, because it is, first of all, a day of student solidarity, which is not


Expenditures for support of supporting schools in 2017

The school as the center of the community is the basis of successful decentralization, and the government will promote the development of supporting schools and help the united territorial communities to develop quality education. This was said by the Minister of Education and Science, Liliya Hrynevych, at the opening of the conference

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