

Criteria for the selection of higher education institutions for master's training

The Ministry of Education has developed and proposed for public discussion new criteria for the competitive selection of executors of the state order for the preparation of master's degrees in institutions of higher education that are under the department's management. It is planned that after approval, the criteria will be used


PISA study guide, UTSOYAO

Specialists of the Ukrainian Center for the Assessment of the Quality of Education have prepared the manual "PISA: Natural and Scientific Literacy" for publication. The publication contains a summary of the most important theoretical and methodological provisions of the framework document of the PISA international comparative study for assessing the natural and scientific literacy of 15-year-olds. Manual


Regarding the pilot schools of NUS, Liliya Hrynevych

The 100 schools piloting the new state standard for primary education, their teachers, vice-principals and principals are agents of change who are the backbone of the reform and through whose experiences the expertise of the next changes is spread. It


Online learning is more effective than traditional learning. Myth or reality?

Scientists from the University of Oregon (USA) found that online learning is more effective than traditional. For this, they made a special training program and analyzed the results. This is written by NewWest Media with reference to Eurekalert. University professors have created an online program with


Clarifications regarding the DPA in the form of the ZNO

The Ukrainian Center for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education receives applications from graduates of educational institutions who will undergo DPA in the form of external examinations, that they cannot choose the foreign language they are studying or the level of study, in their opinion,


Registration for ZNO-2018

Registration for the external independent evaluation will begin on February 6, 2018. Registration will last until March 19. April 2 - the last day for making changes to registration data One of the mandatory documents for registration is the registration form


Regarding teachers' salaries, Liliya Hrynevych

Minister of Education Liliya Hrynevych assures that teachers are not the lowest-paid category of state employees. She said this on Radio Svoboda, commenting on the data of the State Employment Service, according to which, according to the results of 2017, the lowest


A request to the authors of the textbooks to take care of their design, MES

The Ministry of Education and Science appealed to the participants of the competition of textbooks for first graders with a request to provide modern design and printing of educational literature for children. The Ministry of Education notes that the creation of new generation school textbooks


The MES is working on the implementation of three steps of financial transparency

"Currently, the Ministry of Education and Culture is working on the implementation of three steps of financial transparency, which will make corruption impossible, and will also contribute to the awareness of parents about the work of the school", - said the advisor to the Minister of Education and Science, Oksana Makarenko, during the press briefing "Director's Exam


Online Safe Internet Lesson for Schools

The Institute for Modernization of the Content of Education invites students of grades 8-11, vocational and technical lyceums and colleges to a free online lesson dedicated to Safe Internet Day. The corresponding letter was signed by acting Director Yuriy Zavalevskyi. The institute emphasizes that the purpose of conducting an online lesson is

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