
Update versions

A new version of "Admissions Commission" AC has been released

CHANGES AND ADDITIONS IN THE PROGRAM: 1. On the form for editing the application, the formation of the list of training directions and the formation of the drop-down list of categories when editing the status of the application have been changed. 2. Extra branches in the filter tree of the "Competition" module have been removed. 3. Settings. On


Publication of financial statements of schools, - Arseniy Yatsenyuk

During the "10 minutes with the Prime Minister" program, Arseniy Yatsenyuk called on educational institutions to publish their financial statements. The main question for everyone is where the additional budget funds allocated by the government in the amount of 2.5 billion will go. "Therefore


UTSOYAO stopped providing some services

As reported by the press service of UTSOYAO. Ukrainian and regional centers for evaluating the quality of education do not have the opportunity to make changes to the personal data of participants of external independent evaluation, to produce duplicate certificates and certificates with results. The Center notes that the termination


Statistics of the admission campaign 2015

As of July 15, 594,971 applications from 164,704 graduates were registered in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education at the junior specialist, bachelor's, specialist and master's educational levels. Lvivskyi is among the leaders in terms of the number of submitted applications


Scientists do not support the draft law of the Ministry of Education and Culture on scientific and scientific and technical activities

The scientific community is speaking out against the draft law "On scientific and scientific and technical activity", which was developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The head of the Ukrainian Federation of Scientists, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Volodymyr announced this today during a press conference at UNIAN


The MES significantly reduced the volume of the state order

The Ministry of Education and Culture significantly reduced the volume of state orders for the training of humanitarians, economists, pharmacists, and metallurgists and sharply increased funding for the training of agricultural producers. Despite the information previously published by the Ministry of Education and Culture about the reduction of the number of budget places in universities to 12%,


The 2015 admissions campaign has begun

The 2015 admissions campaign began on July 10. The day before, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Inna Sovsun took part in the work of the round table "Features of the admission campaign 2015", which was held at the Ukrainian Crisis Center. During the round

Update versions

A new version of "Admissions Commission" AC has been released

CHANGES AND ADDITIONS IN THE PROGRAM: 1. The import of UTSOYAO certificates has been resumed. 2. The "Quota applies to the number of applications" column has been added to the "Entry Trajectories" directory and filled with values in accordance with the admission conditions. 3. Added mode of operation


About the features of the 2015 introductory campaign

At the meeting of the board of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the director of the department of higher education, Serhii Bondarenko, made public information about the features of the admissions campaign to higher educational institutions in 2015. Among such features, Serhii Bondarenko noted the establishment of the principle of equality at admission

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Packages of technical support services

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Skype consultations/Working group
Consultations by email
Upgrade to a new version
% from the current cost of the system per year

Free technical support for users of the ACS "VNOZ" is provided within 12 months after the signing of the contract for the purchase of the program.

Dear users! In connection with the growth of the exchange rate, the cost of technical support will be calculated from the current prices for ACS of the university on the day of the conclusion of the contract.

ASU University: Admissions Committee

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ASU of the university: Dean's office

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ASU "VNZ": Full version

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