

Discussion of commercialization of university developments

В українське законодавство необхідно внести зміни, що стимулюватимуть наукові установи та вищі навчальні заклади комерціалізувати результати власних досліджень і розробок. Про це, за інформацією прес-служби МОН, йшлося під час науково-практичного круглого столу «Проблеми та


Recommendations for passing the external examination

So that you can confidently handle the test in the stressful environment of external independent assessment (EIA), start preparing for the test in advance. And how best to cope with this task, this material will tell you. Before the official


The pilot stage of PISA-2018 has started

From May 15 to May 31, 2017, Ukraine will host the pilot stage of the PISA-2018 international study of the quality of education. About 2,000 pupils and students from more than 40 educational institutions will take part in it. Pilot stage


User access to EDEBO will be temporarily suspended

In order to ensure the high-quality and smooth operation of the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, in particular, during the introductory campaign, the software will be replaced in the EDEBO and other technical measures will be implemented. To implement all these changes


Happy Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation

On the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, we want to pay tribute to all the heroes who defended our country, fought for a peaceful sky and the future of our descendants. We mourn and remember those who died on the fascist battlefields


The list of textbooks that will be printed at state expense this year has been approved

Колегія Міністерства освіти і науки України затвердила перелік з 156 назв підручників для 9 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів, що видаватимуться коштом державного бюджету у 2017 році. Відбір підручників відбувався у два етапи. На першому


The future depends on the communities of teachers, Liliya Hrynevych

There will be no rapid development of innovations in the school without extensive dissemination of progressive ideas. This was emphasized by the Minister of Education Liliya Hrynevych following her participation in the EdCamp educational forum held in Kharkiv. "Kharkiv Teacher's EdCamp


Textbooks for schools will be available on the online resource

The Ministry obliged the publishers to provide, in addition to the paper version, an electronic version as well. This was announced by the Minister of Education Liliya Hrynevych on the air of the ZIK TV channel. According to the minister, textbook publishers were very resistant to this innovation, but from now on they are obliged to provide


Competition of scientific and technical developments

The Ministry of Education and Science has announced a competitive selection of scientific and technical and experimental developments under the state order. This was reported in the press service of the department. Enterprises, institutions and organizations can participate in the competition, regardless of the forms of ownership


Cooperation between Ukraine and Montenegro

The Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Education and Science between the Governments of Ukraine and Montenegro is being prepared for ratification in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. This was discussed at the meeting of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Hrynevych with the Ambassador


Plan to overcome forced tutoring, - MES

In order to prevent improper use of funds allocated to educational institutions, as well as abuse of parental contributions, the law on education includes a rule according to which schools must publish information about their expenses. About it on

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Packages of technical support services

Development of new reporting
Skype consultations/Working group
Consultations by email
Upgrade to a new version
% from the current cost of the system per year

Free technical support for users of the ACS "VNOZ" is provided within 12 months after the signing of the contract for the purchase of the program.

Dear users! In connection with the growth of the exchange rate, the cost of technical support will be calculated from the current prices for ACS of the university on the day of the conclusion of the contract.

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