Repair and construction of schools at the expense of the State Fund

127 educational projects with a total cost of 557 million hryvnias have already been submitted for financing by the State Fund for Regional Development, another 160 million hryvnias from the DFRD budget are expected to be allocated to educational projects by the end of the year.

This was stated by the Minister of Education and Science, Liliya Hrynyvych, in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine during the question hour for the Government today, June 9, 2017.

"We did not repair educational institutions during the previous decades. We have a worn-out network of educational institutions. In this regard, the regional development fund is largely directed to capital repairs and additions to educational institutions. This year, more than 20% of DFRD funds are directed specifically to capital repairs and improving the condition of the school network," said Liliya Hrynevych.

The Minister also talked about the pilot project of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Regions, within the framework of which a new educational environment will be created for 200 Ukrainian schools. The new primary school standard, developed within the framework of the "New Ukrainian School" reform, will be fully piloted in half of these secondary schools.

In 2016, more than 607.5 million hryvnias were spent on the development of the network of schools from the DFRD, which also amounted to about 20% of the fund's total budget. During the period from June 1, 2016 to June 1, 2017, 13 new schools and 8 additional buildings were built for the already operating preschools.

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