

Changing the criteria for granting universities the status of national, - MES

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine plans to make changes to the Procedure and criteria for granting a higher education institution national status. The corresponding project of changes has been published by the department for public discussion. The Ministry of Education notes that the changes were made out of necessity


State subsidies for preschoolers with special educational needs

The state allocated 37.2 million hryvnias for places to support preschoolers with special educational needs. The main goal is to help these children better socialize in society and give them maximum opportunities for development. She told about it


Regarding the issuing of diplomas by universities, Oleg Sharov

Higher education institutions must issue diplomas to their graduates in a timely manner so that they can freely choose institutions to continue their studies. The delay in issuing a diploma is a limitation of the rights of graduates, such situations are unacceptable and will certainly receive a reaction from


Modern competence standards of higher education have been approved

100 modern standards of higher education have been approved: 73 - bachelor's and 27 - master's. In particular, they specify the expected results of the student for his successful completion of studies. The Minister of Education and Science, Liliya Hrynevych, said this


Regarding the "passed/failed" threshold score for the 2019 ZNO

On June 13, at 10:00 a.m., the meeting of the expert commission on determining the results of external independent evaluation, which are used during admission to educational institutions, will begin at the Ukrainian Center for Evaluation of the Quality of Education. The "passed/failed" threshold is


New nominations for the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine

Global Teacher Prize Ukraine is an annual national award whose mission is to share the incredible stories of Ukrainian teachers and emphasize the importance of teachers in Ukraine, because from the smallest village to the largest metropolis #Teachers Matter. The organizers announced additional


The Constitutional Court decided on the retirement of teachers at the age of 55

On June 4, 2019, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine adopted Decision No. 2-r/2019 regarding the compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Pension Security". With this decision, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine recognized that they do not correspond to the Constitution


The main session of ZNO-2019 has begun

Today, May 21, more than 160,000 people will begin the main session of the external independent assessment of 2019 with a test in mathematics. Admission of applicants to testing points will last from 10:15 to 10:50. External independent evaluation will start at 11:00.


Regarding the external examination for admission to the master's program in 2019

This year, the external examination for admission to the master's degree in certain specialties will have three main innovations. Yes, the number of specialties where it is necessary to take the test based on the foreign language technology has increased from 16 to 32, an additional session will be held in the fall


Memorial Day of the Chernobyl tragedy

On the International Day of Remembrance of the Chornobyl tragedy, we bring boundless gratitude and respect to all the heroes of the liquidation of the consequences. We thank the liquidators for their courage, heroism and dedication in those extreme circumstances. It is thanks to the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, who did not

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