

Increasing the funding of science, - MES

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the draft budget for 2021, in which the financing of budget programs in the field of scientific and scientific and technical activities has been increased. This is stated in the notification of the Ministry of Education and Science. It is planned that on scientific


Address of the language ombudsman to the government regarding the external examination

The Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language, Taras Kremin, called to sign an open appeal to the Prime Minister of Ukraine regarding the preservation of foreign language training in Ukrainian literature for everyone. The relevant appeal was published by the Office of the Education Ombudsman. According to Kremin, the removal of Ukrainian literature


Regarding the prohibition of campaigning in educational institutions, - MES

The Ministry of Education and Science appealed to regional state administrations and heads of educational institutions with a request to prevent political agitation in educational institutions. The relevant letter was signed by the acting Minister of Education, Serhiy Shkarlet. In the Ministry


Regarding salary increases for teachers, - VR

The Verkhovna Rada will make every effort to ensure that teachers receive not only recognition and respect from society, but also a salary increase. Speaker of the Parliament Dmytro said this at the presentation of the award of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to teaching staff


Regarding student accommodation in dormitories, MES

A working meeting was held at the Ministry of Education and Science regarding the settlement and compliance with sanitary standards for student accommodation in dormitories under quarantine conditions. This was reported in the press service of the department. The Deputy Minister of Education took part in the meeting


72% Ukrainians support the traditional form of education

72% Ukrainians believe that education in schools this year should take place according to the traditional system with visits to educational institutions. This is stated in the results of a study conducted by the Rating Sociological Group from September 1 to 5, 2020


Regarding the salary increase for teachers, - the Government

Teachers' salaries will be increased this year or next year, the Cabinet of Ministers is working on this decision. Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said this at a briefing during a working trip to Kherson, Ukrinform reports. "On teachers' salaries, we


The Law "On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities" has been amended

On September 3, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities" (Regarding the Clarification of Certain Provisions)". The law amends the Law of Ukraine "On scientific and scientific and technical activities" regarding regulation


Inspection of schools for compliance with the rules of combating COVID-19

The Ministry of Community Development and the Ministry of Education and Science, together with the State Production and Consumer Service, will conduct random inspections of educational institutions in the regions for compliance with anti-epidemic rules. Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal gave the corresponding instruction following the conference call on countermeasures


Congratulations on September 1, the Day of Knowledge

Вітаємо усіх з 1 вересня! Нехай цей рік буде набагато яскравішим, крутішим та успішнішим, ніж минулий, і нехай попереду чекає багато відкриттів, звершень і блискучих перемог. День 1 вересня завжди особливо урочистий і хвилюючий,


Happy Independence Day of Ukraine

We sincerely congratulate you on a significant holiday — Independence Day of Ukraine! With every year of the development and development of the state, the awareness of this event - August 24 - and its significance for the entire country deepens in every person.

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