Regarding obtaining higher education at the enterprise

The Ministry of Education and Science has developed a draft regulation that defines the procedure for obtaining higher and professional pre-higher education according to the dual form of obtaining education.

Studying according to the dual form of obtaining education involves the implementation of the educational process in two places - in an educational institution and at an enterprise or institution.

Practical training at workplaces will be from 25% to 60% of the total amount of credits determined by the educational program.

The purpose of implementing a dual form of education is to improve the quality of training students for professional activities.

Both educational institutions and employers will be able to initiate negotiations regarding the organization of a dual form of education.

The educational institution will be fully responsible for the implementation of the educational program. Partner employers will be responsible for implementing the training program at workplaces.

It is planned that employers who have the material and technical base and personnel resources will participate in the organization of a dual form of education.

At the same time, the employer's activities regarding the organization of practical training of the student at the workplace during the dual form of education will not require licensing.

The educational institution will organize a dual form of education for pupils and students who express a personal desire and will be selected by the employer.

The student's educational load will be divided between studying at an educational institution and at the workplace, depending on the specifics of the educational program.

The schedule of the educational process can be constructed in different ways, depending on the features of the educational program, specialty and technological conditions of enterprises and organizations.

The project of the Procedure for obtaining higher and professional pre-university education under the dual form of education also defines the mechanism of enrolling students for studies under the dual form of education and other features of the implementation of studies under the dual form of education.

Public discussion of the draft document will continue until November 28.

Proposals for the project can be sent to:

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