

Regarding the transition to distance learning - MES

The Ministry of Education and Science offers to transfer students of grades 5-11, students of vocational education institutions, and students of professional pre-higher and higher education institutions to distance learning. This is stated in the notification of the Ministry of Education and Science. IN


Regarding the extension of vacations in schools, MES

The Ministry of Education and Science advises, if necessary, to extend school holidays due to another spike in the spread of the coronavirus in Ukraine. Minister of Education and Science Serhii Shkarlet announced this in his Telegram, after consultations with


Regarding the media literacy lesson in schools, Volodymyr Zelenskyi

Media literacy lessons should appear in the school curriculum in order to accustom people to hygiene in the field of information from childhood. This was stated by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy during his speech at the forum "Ukraine 30. Culture. Media. Tourism".


Solving the problem of the quality of textbooks, MES

The Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education has started developing a new procedure for the competitive selection of textbooks, the main goal of which will be to solve the problems of the quality of school literature. This was announced by the Minister of Education Serhii Shkarlet. According to him, the problems of the quality of school literature


Greetings from March 8

Вітаємо вас з 8 березня – Міжнародним Днем Жінок! Початок весни, початок життя в природі, перше тепло. Дорогі жінки, нехай це тепло оселиться у ваших будинках і душах. Нехай краса природи надихає, а весна


Changes in the system of providing schools with textbooks, MES

Цього року Міністерство освіти і науки планує повністю реформувати систему забезпечення шкіл підручниками. Про це сказав міністр освіти Сергій Шкарлет під час засідання Колегії МОН, на якому був ухвалений перелік підручників для 4-го класу,


Regarding the development of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, - MES

Україна наразі потребує потужного поштовху для розвитку закладів післядипломної педагогічної освіти. Про це під час наради керівників обласних закладів післядипломної педагогічної освіти з керівництвом МОН сказала заступниця міністра освіти Віра Рогова. У ході зустрічі


Plan for the development of STEM education, - Government

The Cabinet of Ministers has published a plan of measures for the implementation of the Concept for the Development of Science and Mathematics Education until 2027. The document defines a set of measures related to the development of scientific research and engineering skills, invention, entrepreneurship, early professional self-determination and readiness to


Courses are open for entrants from the occupied territories, MES

The Ministry of Education and Science has introduced a pilot project of free preparatory courses for entrants from the temporarily occupied territories. Enrollment for courses has already begun, training will take place in face-to-face, mixed or distance learning. The project will be implemented at the base


Advisor "School in pandemic conditions"

In Ukraine, an interactive advisor was presented, which will help assess the readiness of an educational institution to solve the challenges related to Covid-19, and will offer ideas for more effective work in the conditions of the pandemic. The "School in Pandemic" advisor was created by international experts

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