The government allowed schools to organize catering

Directors of schools and children's health and recreation facilities will be able to use catering as the most effective model of food organization. This is stated in the new Order of catering, approved by the Government.

According to the explanatory note to the draft resolution of the CMU "On the approval of the Norms and Procedures for the organization of food in educational institutions and children's health and recreation institutions", the document was developed with the aim of regulating the organization of food for children in educational institutions and children's health and recreation institutions, taking into account WHO recommendations.

In accordance with the new Procedure for catering, founders and managers of educational institutions and children's health and recreation facilities can choose the most effective model of catering, taking into account the specifics of the respective institution - catering, by renting out the institution's food block for the organization of children's meals and using the institution's own resources.

The Government also supported the decision with a one-day finalization of the decision to change the organization of children's nutrition in schools, kindergartens and children's camps in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, in particular regarding the consumption of fats, sugar and salt.

"Implementation of the requirements will allow reducing the consumption of sugar to 25 g per day, salt to less than 5 g per day, saturated fats to 10 % of the daily diet, which contributes to the prevention of hypertension and reduces the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system and strokes in adulthood." — specified in the document.

The document also provides for a complete ban on the inclusion of sausages, sausages, frozen semi-finished products, and other technologically processed meat and fish dishes in the menu for children. Also, carbonated drinks with a high content of sugar and energy, flour confectionery should disappear from school canteens.

In addition, it is suggested to take into account the needs of diabetic children and those who cannot accept gluten or lactose in the menu of children's canteens. The Ministry of Health will also recommend expanding children's diets with vegetables and building school menus based on the biological needs of children's bodies.

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