

Regarding the verbal assessment of children in primary school

The Ministry of Education and Science offers elementary school teachers to evaluate the results of personal assets of students in grades 1-4 by verbal assessment. This is stated in the new methodical recommendations for student evaluation, approved by the department. Methodological recommendations outline the approaches


Six universities are being modernized in Ukraine

Six Ukrainian universities will receive funds to modernize and improve the energy efficiency of educational buildings and dormitories as part of the "Higher Education in Ukraine" project. The project is implemented with the support of the European Investment Bank and a grant from the East European Partnership Fund


550,000 educators were vaccinated, MES

In Ukraine, more than 550,000 education workers have been vaccinated against COVID-19. This was reported by the Ministry of Education and Science with reference to the data of the Ministry of Health as of July 12. The Ministry of Education emphasizes


Entrants have already created more than 190,000 electronic offices

As of Monday, July 12, participants of the admissions campaign to educational institutions created 189,235 electronic offices. The creation of an electronic office will allow the applicant to submit applications for admission to higher education institutions. To register an electronic account


Regarding the acceptance of applications from ninth-graders

On July 13, at 18:00, the acceptance of applications and documents from entrants to institutions of professional preliminary higher education, who enter colleges based on basic general secondary education on a full-time basis, ends. At the same time, additional acceptance of documents for


Regarding the electronic register of qualifications

An electronic register will be launched in Ukraine, with the help of which employers will be able to publicly check the authenticity of documents on the availability of qualifications of employees. This was reported by the National Qualifications Agency. Also, the resource will become an information platform for the future


Regarding conducting an experiment on the recruitment of foreign students, - MES

In Ukraine, an experimental project will be implemented to organize the recruitment of foreigners to universities, the purpose of which is to reduce corruption factors during enrollment. The Cabinet of Ministers adopted the relevant resolution on the implementation of the experiment. According to the Minister of Education


High-speed Internet in rural schools and libraries

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the decision to allocate UAH 483 million to territorial communities for the implementation of the "Internet Subsidy" project. According to the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the project will have a social effect, as thanks to it already this year more than a million Ukrainians will receive


Regarding relaxation of quarantine restrictions

Today, the entire territory of Ukraine is at a green level of epidemic danger, so the Ministry of Health is considering the possibility of easing quarantine restrictions. This was stated by the Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko during the government meeting. According to him,


State targeted social program "Youth of Ukraine"

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the State targeted social program "Youth of Ukraine" for 2021-2025, which aims to create opportunities for self-realization and development of the potential of youth in Ukraine, their participation and integration into public life. Program


Regarding the state of fire safety of schools in the regions, - MES

The Ministry of Education and Science and regional state administrations are tasked with creating safe and harmless conditions for the educational process in the field of fire safety by August 30. The corresponding decision was made based on the results of the meeting of the State Commission on Technogenic and Environmental Issues


Liquidation of social rehabilitation schools, - Government

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft Law "On child-friendly justice", according to which it is proposed to liquidate comprehensive schools and vocational schools of social rehabilitation. In accordance with the draft law, to assign functions for the implementation of social rehabilitation of children in the conflict

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