

International experience for students, Liliya Hrynevych

In order to improve the quality of higher education, university students should have more opportunities to learn about international experience. The Minister of Education of Ukraine, Liliya Hrynevych, said this during a speech at the World Education Forum in London. By


Development of talents at school, Liliya Hrynevych

As Lilii Hrynevych noted, in order to give every child a chance to successfully develop their talents, Ukraine must reboot its secondary education system. "We need to ensure that our teachers have status and respect, understand


Increasing the attractiveness of vocational education

As the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Pavlo Khobzei, emphasized during the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the educational project "Public-private partnership for the improvement of sanitary and technical education in Ukraine", held at the Ministry of Education and Science. The project is being implemented


New standards of higher education, MES

In the course of this year, the Ministry of Education plans to approve qualitatively new standards of higher education. In particular, it is planned to approve 120 new standards of higher education for bachelors, 80 for masters and 50 for doctors of philosophy. This was reported by the director


Reducing the number of compulsory subjects in grades 10-11

The Ministry of Education and Science intends to significantly reduce the number of mandatory subjects of the invariant component in high school. The corresponding innovation is contained in the project of the Standard curriculum for grades 10-11. If approved, the proposed changes will become


Scholarships for students in 2017

The day before, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted resolutions determining the procedure for paying scholarships to students of Ukrainian universities in 2017. The Ministry of Education and Science has been instructed, with the participation of the Ministry of Social Policy and the Ministry of Finance, to finalize proposals for studentships regarding the mechanism for paying academic fees


Regarding the assessment of the state of medical education in Ukraine

In 2017, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine plans to assess the state of medical education in Ukraine. This is stated in the letter of Acting of the Minister of Health Ulyana Suprun, addressed to rectors of higher medical educational institutions of the Ministry of Health


Monitoring the quality of primary education, MES

The day before, an order was signed to conduct a nationwide monitoring study of the quality of primary education. In particular, the document envisages conducting in 2017 a nationwide monitoring study of the state of formation of reading and mathematical competences of primary school graduates. Assessment of children


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We wish everyone a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas! The New Year's holiday is always new hopes and expectations, new life plans and desires, a new step into an unknown future. So let 2017 be the new year

Update versions

A new version of "Dekanat" AS has been released

CHANGES AND ADDITIONS IN THE PROGRAM: 1. The "Rating" field and academic, social and personal scholarships have been added to the "Sessions" module; 2. For publications, the possibility of entering the serial number of the co-author has been added; 3. A directory has been added to the "Contracts" directory menu

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Packages of technical support services

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Skype consultations/Working group
Consultations by email
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% from the current cost of the system per year

Free technical support for users of the ACS "VNOZ" is provided within 12 months after the signing of the contract for the purchase of the program.

Dear users! In connection with the growth of the exchange rate, the cost of technical support will be calculated from the current prices for ACS of the university on the day of the conclusion of the contract.

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ASU "VNZ": Full version

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