Ukrainian-Slovak project "Innovative methods in education to support partnership - InovEduk"

InovEdukOn February 29, the second scientific and practical seminar "Spiritual culture and religion" began in Uzhgorod, which will last until March 4 within the framework of the international Ukrainian-Slovak project "Innovative methods in education to support partnership - InovEduc". This project is implemented by the Transcarpathian Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education together with the Pan-European University (Paneurópska vysoká škola, Bratislava, Slovak Republic) within the framework of the "SK08 Cross-Border Cooperation" program, financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the Government of the Slovak Republic. In addition to ZIPPO, the organizers of the seminar were public organizations-partners of the project: the Center for European Policy (SEP, Slovakia) and the Research Agency of the Regional Society "Carpathia" (Ukraine).

The participants were welcomed by M. Haman, P. Krizhan, K. Sladek, M. Basarab, who emphasized that close cooperation of pedagogical workers of the two neighboring states will open wide opportunities for the implementation of new trends, developments and ideas in the educational process.

10 teaching staff from general educational institutions of Transcarpathia and Eastern Slovakia, employees of the Transcarpathian Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Košice and Pryašiv Pedagogical Methodical Centers (Slovakia), scientists of the Pan-European University and the Institute of Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences (Bratislava) are taking part in the event.

In addition to the lectures "Christian Symbolism", "Different Forms of Christianity", "Region of Many Religions", "View of the Results of the First Seminar in Košice", "National Curricula of Ukraine and Slovakia", seminar participants shared their thoughts and discussed. Educators visit churches of various Christian denominations in Uzhhorod, get acquainted with the peculiarities of the rites.

During the seminar, Jan Lacko (Pan-European University, Bratislava) presented the features of 3D models of monuments of Slovakia and Transcarpathia. The teachers continued the work started in December 2015 in the city of Kosice (Slovakia), on the preparation of workbooks and methodical sheets on the history and culture of Slovakia and Transcarpathia, and their further implementation in the educational process.

In the cultural program of the educational event, it is planned to visit the Mukachevo Castle.

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