Scientists do not support the draft law of the Ministry of Education and Culture on scientific and scientific and technical activities

nan_ukrThe scientific community is speaking out against the draft law "On scientific and scientific and technical activity", which was developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. This was announced today during a press conference at UNIAN, the head of the Ukrainian Federation of Scientists, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Volodymyr Seminozhenko.

 "We are not against the law on science as such, but against the bill that the Cabinet of Ministers presented to the Verkhovna Rada for consideration on July 7 and that was developed by the Ministry of Education and Science. This draft law, its preparation and text, require a serious and principled evaluation by not only the scientific community, but civil society in general, because one cannot pass off excessive bureaucracy, excessive administration as real reforms. This completely contradicts the current trends in Europe and the world," he said.

According to him, among the main flaws of the draft law proposed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, scientists see, in particular: the behind-the-scenes and closed regime of drafting the draft law, the limitation of the participation of the scientific community, specialized experts and representatives of the public in its discussion; low level of training; strengthening of the attack on the social protection of scientists; ignoring the proposals of young scientists; lack of an innovative component; excessive centralization by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the management of NASU and branch academies.

According to the material: UNIAN

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