Information on the structure of the academic year. MES of Ukraine

FO7O7X6OPU5HAccording to the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, the duration of the academic week in general educational institutions (regardless of subordination, types and forms of ownership) is determined by the Law of Ukraine "On General Secondary Education".

In accordance with the third part of Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On General Secondary Education", the structure of the academic year (by quarters, half-years, semesters) and the duration of the academic week are established by the educational institution within the time frame specified in the working curriculum, in agreement with the relevant education management body.

It should be noted that according to Clause 9 of Article 16 and Clause 1 of Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine "On Local State Administrations", it is precisely the powers of local authorities within the limits defined by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine that include the function of state control in the relevant territories, in particular, compliance with the legislation on issues of science and education, as well as the implementation of state policy in these areas.

Recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine regarding the structure of the academic year have already been issued to local education management bodies and general educational institutions (letter dated 06.11.2014 No. 1/9-303 "On curricula of general educational institutions and the structure of the 2014/2015 academic year").

We will remind that at the board meeting on August 22, 2014, Serhiy Kvit noted that in many regions of Ukraine, decisions are still being prepared regarding possible changes in the structure of the school year: "There are talks about a six-day school week for schools. The Ministry, in principle, does not initiate such changes, because it is not very good for children. But we also understand that there may be different situations with energy carriers on the ground. Therefore, if the situation requires it, local authorities will make the decision."

According to the Minister, all actions of education management bodies and heads of educational institutions must be coordinated with the parent community, comply with current legislation, sanitary norms and rules.

According to the material: Government portal

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