Girls study better than boys in most countries of the world

devochki_uchatsia_lucheScientists from the University of Missouri (USA) and the University of Glasgow (Great Britain) analyzed data on the academic success of 1.5 million 15-year-old boys and girls from 2000 to 2010 in 74 countries. It turned out that in 70% countries, girls do much better in all subjects than boys. According to scientists, the results of the study are a reason for individual states to think about their education systems and find a way to reduce this gap.

Note that these results were not affected by economic, social, political or gender equality in the country. That is, even in countries where women's rights are significantly limited (for example, in Qatar, Jordan, and the UAE), by the age of 15, girls do much better in math, reading, and science. The only countries where boys managed to surpass girls in these disciplines are Colombia, Costa Rica and the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, while the USA and Great Britain had equal success. Only those boys who strive for success in economically developed countries manage to overtake girls, the rest often fall significantly behind.

We will remind, as it turned out a few years ago, today's wives are much better educated than their husbands, so more and more often they get the role of the main breadwinner of the family. A study conducted by Pew Research showed that the educational gap between men and women has widened significantly since 1970. As a result, over the past 40 years, the proportion of wives who earn more than husbands has increased more than fivefold.

According to the materials of the American press

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