A new version of "Admissions Commission" AC has been released


+ Added group deletion of users
+ On the "Delegation of roles to a user" form, a check mark "Can the user work with EDEBO" has been added, which determines the availability of the corresponding functionality

+ Instead of statuses of entrants by majors, categories and sources of funding, statuses of applications for majors of the applicant questionnaire have been introduced. Added fields characterizing the statement and its status: "Date from", "Status", "Protocol", "Comment", "Direction".
+ The "History of application statuses" form has been added
– The fields: “Enrollment condition”, “Protocol” (enrolment), “Specialty” (enrolment), “Return of documents”, “Received a two”, “Is admitted to the exams” have been removed. Their data has been transferred to the history of application statuses
– The “Specialization” field in the table of specialties has been removed
– The “Specialty for which the originals are submitted” field has been removed, instead, the check mark “Documents are submitted for the specialty” has been added for the specialties of the applicant’s questionnaire
+ "Funding source", "Category" must be filled in when setting the status "Recommended" or "Enrolled"
+ Added fields: "Is it original" for the document of a conscript, Components of P.I.B. English, "Availability of educational level" (None, Yes, Obtained), "Participation of a foreigner in the competition"
+ Simplified entry of the settlement and index in the address fields
+ The quota check for the number of submitted applications has been developed
+ The following fields have been added to the "Synchronization with EDEBO" tab: "GUID of the person in EDEBO", "Code of the person in EDEBO". Fields are visible to users with "Faculty administrator. Editing" rights
+ When downloading certificates from UTSOYAO, only one certificate for the discipline with the highest score is downloaded
+ The first time you save the questionnaire from the Dean's Office ("Is it from the DK"=1), the registration date is filled with the current date, the user who created the questionnaire is updated
+ The "Open search results in the "Applicants" module" button was added to the "Advanced search" form, the set and composition of filters were changed
+ In the table of the "Entrants" module, the ability to view the categories and contests of the entrant has been added

+ A new module "Entrance tests" has been added, which allows you to assign tests, track applicants with no assigned entrance tests, an empty score in the educational document, unsatisfactory test results

+ "Application statuses" guide added
+ The "KOATUU" directory was added to the "General" directory group, the "Oblast" and "Districts in oblast" directories were removed, the "Administrative-territorial units" and "Street types" directories were expanded
+ The “Admission Plan” directory has been developed. Added new fields (tuition cost by semesters/courses, target admission by constituent bodies, actual recruitment indicators, stage of recommendation for foreigners, recommendation taking into account priorities of applications) and a group editing operation
+ The "Schedule of exams" directory has been developed. Added new fields and group edit operation
+ Expanded the directory “Provided documents”, added the related directory “Sets of documents for admission”
+ A centralized directory "Participation of foreigners in the competition" has been added to the "General" group of directories
+ The "Admission quotas" guide was added
+ A link with the faculty has been added to the "Completing Bodies" directory
+ System categories for target persons and foreigners have been added to the directory of applicants' categories, and the ability to create categories by constituent bodies has been added. The presence of these categories among entrants is determined by the corresponding marks in the entrants' questionnaires
+ The "Coefficient" field has been added to the "Entry tests by specialties" directory
+ In the "Benefits" directory, the column "Priority of first priority" has been added, which must be filled in for benefits included in the "Right to priority entry" group. The condition of uniqueness has been removed from the column "Benefits at the EDEBO" for the benefit from the EDEBO "Entrants whose right to priority enrollment is determined by the rules of admission to universities"
+ In the "Groups of benefits" directory, the "Is from the register" check mark for "Targeted referral" has been removed We recommend deleting this entry
+ The directory "Types of educational institutions" was added
+ "Completing body" has been added to the "Study direction" directory
+ In the "Enrollment Documents" directory, it is possible to create documents for the entire "university" (faculty with code 0). Such documents are available for selection at all faculties
– The directory “Prefixes of questionnaires for specialties” was deleted, the values of the prefixes were transferred to the directory “Admission plan”
– Removed the directory "States of applicants"

+ The addresses have been switched to the use of the KOATUU directory
+ In the table of all modules, a group of "Application status" columns has been added, which characterize the current status of the applicant's application: name of the status, date of establishment, comment, protocol of the decision of the admissions committee, which established the status, etc.
+ In the module "Entrance tests", "Results of entrance tests", "Competition", "Recommended applicants" group operations have been added: "Set application status", "Cancel last application status", "Change application status parameters".
+ On the “Scan” form, at the time of attaching a photo to the application form, a check has been added: Does the photo size meet the requirements of EDEBO
+ Added the possibility of creating a recruitment plan for specializations, accepting applications for specializations, holding competitions for specializations
– Removed group operations: “Add enrollment”, “Remove enrollment”, “Add recommendation”, “Remove recommendation”, “Add two”, “Change status in the competition”

+ When accepting electronic applications, it is not required to fill in passport and other data that are not included in the electronic application. When trying to set the status "Enrolled" to such applications, the system will require filling in the corresponding fields
+ Added complete synchronization of foreigners' applications with EDEB
+ Uploading and synchronizing photos from EDEBO has been added
+ Added the group operation "Check the identity of persons in EDEBO and ASK of universities"
+ When synchronizing the questionnaire, if no application has been updated, the synchronization is not considered successful
+ Changes have been made to the work with EDEBO, in connection with the conversion of the certificate score to a 60-point scale
+ Synchronization of questionnaires with the status of the application “Cancelled” is possible only if there is a protocol, according to which the corresponding act on the cancellation of applications will be created in the EDEBO
+ Added transfer of application priorities for universities that use them when providing a recommendation

– Removed menu item “Service – Export to Scholarship”

+ Competitions for constituent bodies, targeted referrals, competitions for foreigners have been added
+ For the selected entrant, the possibility of reviewing his participation in other competitions has been added

+ Added the ability to view and edit grades for tests that are subject to tests with the “Test with an alternative” type

+ The fields corresponding to the study group and the enrollment order are displayed as empty if the application is not in the "Enrolled" status (the applicant is enrolled in another specialty)
+ Added the group operation "Place enrollment order"

+ "Quota of areas of study (0 - unlimited)" developed into "Quota of the number of applications for OCR: bachelor, junior specialist"
– The option “Check compliance with the recommendation of the admission plan” has been disabled, the functionality of the check will be restored in the next update

+ The "News" item has been added to the "Help" menu item, through which you can view news from developers. Notifying users about unread news has been added

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