European standards in secondary education, or study for 12 years

12_rokiv_osvitaExperts from the working group reached an agreement on the issue of reforming secondary education in Ukraine. According to the Framework Law on Education, students in secondary school will study for 12 years.

In order for Ukrainian education to be recognized in European countries as well, it is necessary to implement the changes in the education process mentioned above. But this is not the only reason why it is necessary to do this.

The structure of education in leading European countries has three components, namely: primary education - from 4 to 7 years; basic education - from 3 to 6 years; high school - from 2 to 5 years.

While developing the draft Law on Education, experts chose between two options with the structure of elementary, middle and high school, namely: 5 + 4 + 3 or 6 + 3 + 3. After long discussions, the first option 5 + 4 + 3 was finally chosen, because it is most in line with the current education system of Ukraine, which in turn makes the transition less traumatic.

Why change the training period and create a division in the structure? The main purpose of this is to determine the child's abilities, because during education under the old system it was impossible to do this, so children received those specialties that were more attractive to their parents.

So, after the end of the 9th grade, the graduates will take the external examination and professional orientation tests, on the basis of which they will decide where to study further.

After completing the external examination, the students will be recommended educational institutions according to the results they received, this will be the so-called senior school. These will be educational institutions of three types: professional lyceums (at the same time as general secondary education, students here receive the qualification of "skilled worker"), academic lyceums (a specialized high school that prepares students for further study at a university) and colleges (education will last 4 years, and upon completion, graduates will receive a junior specialist degree).

The introduction of an additional year of study will help students better prepare for all stages of the educational process and make the study program more flexible.

Despite all the advantages of the integration of the 12-year system, there are still disadvantages in it, and they are quite significant. For example, a formal approach to the implementation of a 12-year school, in which only external changes will take place, can become a rather serious problem.

"I don't see the subject of discussion - how many years to study. It is more important - in what form to do it and with what content. We see only one form of education - school. And one established form of organization of the educational process is the class-lesson system. It has not changed for hundreds of years. We changed only the teaching methods (and in many schools they have been unchanged since the time of Ushinsky). For me, what is more important is what will change during this time," Ihor Likarchuk said.

The organization of education in a specialized high school is the most important thing in reforming education. “You know what could be the worst? You will add one year in high school, and then the material for the 1st year of the university will be deducted there. Let's teach to think," added Algirdas Zabulionis.

It is necessary to move from theory to practice, to learn interesting and informative facts, therefore the classroom system should be changed. Viktor Gromovy believes that schools can have projects, university forms of work with lectures, seminars, immersion in one or another topic. For example, the week of history that takes place in museums.

Therefore, the draft law should be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada already at the beginning of summer.

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