How to teach children according to the new standard, MES

The Ministry of Education and Science sent methodological recommendations for use in practical work to teachers participating in the experiment on the development and implementation of the new State Standard of Primary General Secondary Education.

The department reports that the main innovation that is included in the practice of the 1st grades of experimental educational institutions is the structuring of the content of primary education on the basis of an integrative approach to education.

As part of the approval of the project of the new State Standard, teachers of experimental schools can independently or in a group create curricula and educational materials that implement the program and ensure the formation of students' skills, defined by the project of the State Standard for the first and second cycles of education in primary school. In other cases, teachers should use model curricula that have the appropriate seal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The MES draws the attention of teachers and author teams to the fact that the draft of the new State Standard of Primary General Education defines the requirement to include in the curricula of all subjects and courses 20% reserve time, which the teacher can use at his discretion.

The recommendations also define other features of the work of teachers-participants of the all-Ukrainian experiment on the topic "Development and implementation of educational and methodological support for primary education in the conditions of implementation of the new State standard of primary general secondary education" regarding the teaching of academic subjects in general educational institutions in the 2017/2018 academic year.

The Ministry of Education is asked to bring the content of methodological recommendations to the attention of heads of general educational institutions and teachers.

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