The Ministry of Education and Science presented a vision of reform regarding modern professional education

Graduates who meet the demands of the labor market, a modernized educational environment, multi-channel financing and local management - these are the main goals of reforming vocational education in Ukraine. Currently, they are prescribed in the project of conceptual foundations "Modern professional education", which was approved by the board of the Ministry of Education and Culture on May 22, 2018. The document will become the basis of the concept of professional and technical education.

"Quality professional education is possible if there is modern equipment, an innovative teacher and a qualified master. For a long time, investments in vocational education were limited, which led to a decrease in the prestige of this direction among Ukrainians. However, already today we have to assert the opinion that obtaining a vocational and technical education is not a form of social protection, but a real economic investment in a person," said Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Pavlo Khobzei.

Vocational education also needs to be popularized among entrants, because currently in Ukraine only about 14% school graduates are getting vocational education, and the rest are focused on getting a higher education. For example, on average in Europe 40% of graduates of secondary education institutions receive professional education, and in the Czech Republic, Croatia, Austria and Finland this percentage reaches 70% and more.

To create a new image of the professional world, as well as improve the qualifications of workers in each region, they plan to open Multifunctional Centers of Professional Excellence. In particular, high-tech professions will be taught on their base, and professional preliminary education will be provided. Future centers should become a platform for cooperation between VET institutions, local authorities and employers.

The concept also envisages multi-channel financing of professional education institutions - from state and local budgets, at the expense of individuals and legal entities. The possibility of using grants or charitable assistance is separately attributed.

"Vocational education should be financed from the regional budget, because the local people better understand and know what personnel the region lacks. All this is foreseen by the decentralization reform. But among other sources of funding, we offer support from the state budget for professions of national significance. Currently, we have 25 of them, but we plan to expand this list in September. It is also possible to consider the resources of other ministries and agencies that are customers of certain professional services," Pavlo Khobzei said.

In order for vocational education to meet the demands of the labor market, a component of social partnership is introduced. Its key participant is the employer, who forms professional standards and helps in the implementation of dual education. In addition, non-formal and informal education will be recognized within the social partnership.

It is planned to improve the quality of education thanks to the modernization of the educational environment, the involvement of workers from production and the service sector in training, and the stimulation of the professional development of teachers of the institution. The necessary educational conditions will also be created for people with special educational needs.

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