72% Ukrainians support the traditional form of education

72% Ukrainians believe that education in schools this year should take place according to the traditional system with visits to educational institutions.

This is stated in the results of a study conducted by the Rating Sociological Group from September 1 to 5, 2020.

At the same time, only 19% support a mixed form of education and 5% - fully remote.

The results of the study also indicate that 40% respondents have a negative attitude to the introduction of restrictive measures for the organization of education in schools from the new academic year. 30% - have a positive attitude towards it, 22% - neutral. Relatively more of those who have a negative attitude to restrictive measures among the interviewees who live with children under 17 years old.

At the same time, half of the respondents consider the anti-quarantine rules for schools, introduced by the authorities since September of this year, to be optimal. At the same time, a quarter consider them too hard, 11% – on the contrary, too soft. Relatively more of those who consider the implemented measures to be harsh are among those who have children of preschool age.

49% support the mandatory wearing of masks for students during school breaks, although 45% is against such an initiative. Most of the latter are among those who have children of preschool and school age.

74% believe that the situation with the spring quarantine had a negative impact on the success of children's studies in schools. 66% have similar expectations for training this year.

86% of those whose children attended school this year during the quarantine indicated that they had access to online learning. 14% - did not have. Respondents whose children did not study remotely cited lack of internet (33%), poor organization on the part of the educational institution (15%) and lack of a computer, tablet or mobile phone (14%) as the main reasons that hindered online learning.

47% respondents, whose children studied online, used Viber, 28% - Zoom, 13% - Skype, 11% - tele-lessons or Google classroom.

61%s said that online lessons with children happened regularly, 18%s said that they were both regular and irregular in nature, and only 10%s said that lessons were mostly irregular.

Citizens of Ukraine aged 18 and older in all regions, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas, participated in the study. The sample is representative in terms of age, gender and type of settlement. Sample population: 2,500 respondents. Personal formalized interview (face-to-face).

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