The second part of Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Holidays" establishes that annual additional leave for the special nature of work is granted to employees with an irregular working day lasting up to 7 calendar days in accordance with the lists of positions, jobs and professions defined by the collective agreement, agreement. The specific duration of annual additional leave for the special nature of work is established by a collective or labor agreement, depending on the time of employment of the employee in these conditions.
Annex 1 to the Sectoral Agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine for 2016-2020 approved the Tentative list of positions of employees with irregular working hours in the system of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, who may be granted additional leave. This list includes the position of head of the institution.
Clause 5.3.10 of the Industry Agreement recommends providing additional vacations to employees with irregular working hours of up to 7 calendar days in accordance with the lists of positions, jobs and professions defined by collective agreements on the basis of the Indicative list of positions of employees with irregular working hours.
According to Clause 1.4 of the Branch Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement apply directly and apply to employees of educational institutions that are in the sphere of activity of the parties to the Agreement, and are mandatory for inclusion in collective agreements.
In accordance with Chapter III "Secondary educational institutions, educational institutions for citizens in need of social assistance and rehabilitation" of the Appendix to the Procedure for granting annual basic leave of up to 56 calendar days to managers of educational institutions and educational institutions, educational (pedagogical) parts (subdivisions) of other institutions and institutions, pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers and scientific workers, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 14, 1997 No. 346, the duration of the annual main leave of directors of secondary educational institutions is 56 calendar days.
According to Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine "On Vacations", the total duration of annual basic and additional vacations cannot exceed 59 calendar days.
Therefore, additional leave of the director of the institution of general secondary education for an irregular worker can be granted for a duration of no more than 3 calendar days.