Trial external examination in 2017

zno_z_ukr_moviTrial external independent evaluation is carried out by regional centers for evaluation of the quality of education.

The main purpose of conducting trial testing is to reproduce the conditions and technology of conducting external examinations for the psychological preparation of future applicants for participation in external independent evaluation. Trial external independent assessment is conducted only for persons registered for it. Registration for the 2017 trial ZNO will last from January 10 to January 31, 2017.

Trial external independent evaluation is conducted on a paid basis. The cost of a trial external examination is determined by each regional center for evaluating the quality of education separately. This year, it will be UAH 120 for 1 item.

Registration for trial independent assessment is carried out only online at website of the relevant regional center for evaluating the quality of education (the choice of regional center depends on the place of residence of the participant, see below for links to regional centers).

Trial test schedule:

April 1, 2017 - Ukrainian language and literature;

April 8, 2017 - history of Ukraine, mathematics, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, English, Spanish, German, French, Russian.

A participant in a trial external examination can take a maximum of two trial tests (Ukrainian language and literature and one subject of choice). The participants of the PZNO will be able to print the invitation to the trial test, which will include information about the point and time of the test, from their own personal page on the website of the relevant regional center for evaluating the quality of education.

Admission to trial testing points will be carried out in the presence of:

– receipts for payment of the cost of services for trial testing;

– invitation (registration card);

– passport (or birth certificate).

After completing the test work, all participants of the trial external independent assessment will be issued a test notebook with answers to test tasks and schemes for calculating test points.

To determine the result on a scale of 100-200 points, it will be necessary to use a special service posted on the information page "Personal account of the participant of the trial examination" (if such a service is available on the website of the relevant regional assessment center).

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