The Ministry of Education and Science has announced the beginning of state certification of scientific fields of universities subordinate to the department.
The corresponding order was signed by Acting Minister of Education Serhiy Skarlet.
Based on the results of the certification, the effectiveness of scientific activity in higher education institutions over the past 5 years will be evaluated.
In order to pass the assessment, higher education institutions must update and submit the application and information materials for 2015-2019 to the MES by September 18, 2020.
In the near future, higher education institutions will receive detailed instructions on filling out information materials, and webinars will be held for certification participants and experts.
The Ministry of Education and Science notes that it is not the institution as a whole that is certified, but its scientific areas.
A special methodology was developed for evaluation. It takes into account a wide range of indicators: novelty and practical value of scientific results, integration into the world educational and scientific space, development prospects, etc.
The attestation grade will be automatically calculated based on the submitted materials.
After that, an examination will be conducted. For this purpose, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports has recruited additional experts, including foreign ones. After the expert evaluation, the results of the attestation will be approved by the attestation commission.
As a result, each direction will be assigned to one of three qualification groups - A, B, B - or recognized as not certified.
It is planned to complete the entire process of this certification wave by the end of autumn.