

Competition "My school of the future"

Teachers and students of schools where the German language is studied can submit a project to the "My School of the Future" competition. The winners will go to Germany and get acquainted with the educational innovations of this country. Participants who will take second and third place,


Congratulations on the Day of the Unity of Ukraine

Dear compatriots, today is Ukraine's Cathedral Day! The day of January 22, 1919 entered the national calendar as a major state holiday — the Day of the Unity of Ukraine. It was then that an event took place on the square in front of Kyiv Sofia, about which


Congratulations on the Epiphany

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord or Epiphany is one of the most ancient feasts of the Church. On this day, God comes into the world to present to the world the Unapproachable Light. Water has a special meaning in the Old Testament. This is the basis of life, exactly


Licensing of universities online, MES

Ukrainian universities will be able to obtain a license online. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Roman Hreba on Public Radio. According to him, the corresponding service will be operational already this year. "This year we want to finally


Textbooks for 5th grades, MES

The Ministry of Education has approved a list of school textbooks for the 5th grade, which are labeled "Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine". The relevant order was signed by Minister Liliya Hrynevych. The list includes 48 titles of textbooks for 5th grade students


Modern Ukrainian language classrooms in schools of national minorities

The 2018 budget allocated UAH 46.8 million for modern equipment of Ukrainian language classrooms in schools with the language of instruction of national minorities. This was emphasized by the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Hrynevych during a working meeting


The law on preventing and combating domestic violence was signed by the Head of State

Днями Президент України Петро Порошенко підписав Закон України № 2229-VIII «Про запобігання та протидію домашньому насильству». Про це повідомляє офіційне інтернет-представництво Президента України. Документом передбачається впровадження комплексного підходу до боротьбі з домашнім насильством, суттєве


Expenditures for the improvement of educational infrastructure in 2018

1млдр 150млн 101тис грн планується витратити в 2018 році на продовження програм з покращення освітньої інфраструктури – закупівлю автобусів для підвезення дітей до опорних шкіл, обладнання природничо-математичних кабінетів та розвиток інклюзивної освіти. Відповідні кошти


Preventive preventive measures to prevent measles epidemic

Для недопущення погіршення епідеміологічної ситуації із захворюваності на кір у столиці запроваджуються запобіжні профілактичні та протиепідемічні заходи. Таке рішення було прийнято за результатами засідання комісії з питань техногенно-екологічної безпеки та надзвичайних ситуацій. Про це


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Please accept our best wishes for a Happy New Year 2018 and a Merry Christmas! The year of the Dog is coming - the most cheerful and joyful in the entire Eastern horoscope. We are sure that it will not be a secret for you that you deserve the best.


Anna Starostenko became the leader of the educational reform in Kyiv

The city government builds new institutions, creates a modern educational space, a comfortable inclusive environment, provides institutions with everything necessary. Support in the form of allowances, additional payments, etc. is also provided to educators. Today, all the conditions for a comfortable stay have been created in Kyiv

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