The Cabinet of Ministers approved the Regulations on the National Repository of Academic Texts - this will allow the Ministry of Education and Culture to take the first steps to create and launch this resource in the near future. The corresponding decision was made today, July 19, 2017, during the Government meeting.
The creation of the repository was announced last year.
Key characteristics of the future repository are specified in the Regulation. It will be a distributed electronic database consisting of central and local parts - repositories of higher education institutions and other institutional participants.
The National Repository will include all academic texts, regardless of the date of their creation and publication. These, in particular, will be dissertations and abstracts, articles in scientific publications, monographs, scientific publications, deposited scientific works, qualifying graduation theses of higher education applicants, etc.
The Regulation clearly states that the resources of the National Repository will be an aid to the examination of academic texts for borrowing, but the final conclusion will still rest with the experts.
Institutional participants - universities, scientific institutions, scientific publishing houses and others will have free and free access to the National Repository.
It is time to develop the Regulation, which will determine the procedures for filling the repository with academic texts, the procedure for their storage, systematization, processing, providing information for open access, interaction with institutional participants and other users, etc. In parallel, a database of texts will be formed - they will be collected in the form in which they can be processed, reviewed and compared.
The first stage of the creation of the National Repository of the Ministry of Education and Culture is planned to be completed by the end of the year. After the full launch of the resource, in the future (2018-2019) - the creation of its own scientometric database.