In the assembly hall of the university, a ceremonial awarding of diplomas to the graduates of the Aerospace Institute of NAU took place.
On behalf of the management of the institute, the director of the institute V. Shmarov addressed the graduates with a welcome speech. at. dean of MEF N. Ladogubets and dean of FLA S. Ignatovych, and on behalf of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the institute - head of the graduation department of technology of production and restoration of aviation equipment A. Kudrin, head of the graduation department of hydrogas systems H. Zayonchkovsky, head of the graduation department of theoretical and applied physics O. Kuznetsova, head of the graduation department of airworthiness preservation S. Dmitriev and head of the graduation department of airport technology O. Tamargazin. Yana Khomyuk, a graduate, spoke with words of sincere gratitude to the professor-teaching staff of the institute.
AKI graduates were awarded 185 "Master" and "Specialist" OKR diplomas, including 19 with honors, as well as 54 NAU Certificates on completion of a full course of training under the specialist and master's program in English.
According to the material: Official site of the "Aerospace Institute of NAU"