On March 12-14, 2015, the main event of the educational sector will take place in the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth - the Sixth International Exhibition "Modern Educational Institutions - 2015".
The exhibition will feature 750 educational institutions from 22 regions of Ukraine, as well as educational institutions and agencies from Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, Canada, Slovakia, Estonia, the USA and Moldova. In particular, 75 universities, academies, institutes, colleges, technical schools, scientific institutions; 20 foreign educational institutions and international educational agencies; 495 education management bodies, post-graduate pedagogical education institutions, comprehensive schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, pre-school and out-of-school educational institutions; 134 educational and methodological centers of vocational and technical education, vocational and technical educational institutions; 26 manufacturers and distributors of modern teaching aids, projects, modern programs and solutions for the field of education, publishing houses, educational portals.
On March 3, 2015, the Day of Vocational and Technical Education will be held, which will be accompanied by a theatrical fashion show, a seminar and the work of master classes.
During the holding of 47 scientific and practical conferences, thematic seminars, round tables, presentations and master classes, educators and scientists from different regions of the country will be able to discuss the urgent problems of modernization of the field of education, ways of integration into the European educational space, features of admission to higher educational institutions in 2015 year
According to the material: vsosvita.com.ua