The representation of the European Commission in Ukraine reminds of the submission of applications by students from the countries of the "Eastern Partnership" to receive scholarships for studying in European higher educational institutions.
It is expected that by 2020, more than 4,000 young Ukrainians will participate in the Erasmus+ EU university exchange program.
"In 2015, we aim to finance about 3,200 student exchange applications, as well as staff of educational institutions from the Eastern Partnership countries under the Erasmus+ program. Based on the experience of implementing such programs in previous years, we estimate that more than 4,000 young Ukrainians (28% from all participants from the Eastern Partnership) will use the opportunity of university exchanges during the implementation of the Erasmus+ program until 2020," the European Commission reports.
Participants should remember that in 2015, the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the competitive selection for receiving EU scholarships and further study at a European university is March 4. The selection procedure of students will be completed in July, and the exchange itself will start from September 2015.
"The participation of Ukrainians will depend on the activity of educational institutions of Ukraine. The selection will also take into account the geographical balance in the region," the EC said in a statement.
According to the material: EC