By letter No. 1/9-599 dated November 17, 2014 The Ministry of Education and Science appealed to the management of higher educational institutions with a request to submit competitive proposals for the volume of admission and graduation of specialists with higher education for 2015 by December 15. This letter was signed by First Deputy Minister of Education Inna Sovsun.
When formulating competitive offers for the volume of admission under the state order for the educational and qualification levels of junior specialist and bachelor, the management of higher educational institutions must take into account the projected regional number of primary and high school graduates.
In order to bring it into line with the regional markets of educational services and labor markets, competitive proposals regarding the volume of admission to training and graduation of specialists must be agreed with regional state administrations and regional employment centers.
Also, when placing a state order by specialty, it will be carried out taking into account the profile direction of the higher educational institution.
Pay attention: educational institutions of the I-II levels of accreditation will not be given state orders for training to obtain the educational qualification level of a bachelor.