The day before, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved the deadlines for the DPA in the 4th, 9th and 11th grades, as well as the approximate requirements for the content of the certification tasks.
The period of DPA was divided depending on the degrees of educational institutions, namely:
- 1st degree - from May 12 to 21 in three subjects: Ukrainian language, reading and mathematics;
- II degree - from June 1 to June 8 in three subjects: Ukrainian language, mathematics and a subject chosen by the educational institution;
- ІІІ degree - from three subjects in two stages: on April 24 at the testing points - from the Ukrainian language in the form of an external examination; from May 22 to 28 - in educational institutions in two subjects - mathematics or history of Ukraine and a subject of the students' choice.
Also, for high-quality conducting of DPA, tentative requirements for the content of certification tasks have been approved, which are included in the appendix to the document.