Purchase of documentation without a certificate of compliance with pedagogical requirements

From now on, mandatory business documentation for institutions of general secondary education should not be accompanied by a certificate of its compliance with pedagogical requirements. Thus, schools were given the opportunity to purchase documentation that does not have such certificates. The corresponding order and explanatory letter are published on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

"Cancellation of such certificates is another step towards the development of school autonomy and debureaucratization of management processes, which is laid down in the Law "On Comprehensive General Secondary Education". In this way, schools will have more opportunities to conduct effective operational activities," said the acting director. Minister of Education and Science Lubomyra Mandziy.

From now on, participants in competitive bidding for the purchase by schools of mandatory business documentation at the expense of the state and local budgets no longer have to submit a certificate of its compliance with pedagogical requirements.

Accordingly, the Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education will not issue new certificates "Use in educational institutions of Ukraine is allowed."

The innovation concerns the following documents:

– class magazines for grades 1-4 and 5-11;

– report cards of educational achievements of students of grades 2-4 and 5-11;

- personal file;

- alphabet book of student records;

– books of orders on the main activity and on personnel matters;

– book of accounting and issuing of certificates and supplements to certificates of basic general secondary education;

– book of accounting and issuing of certificates and supplements to certificates of complete general secondary education, Silver and Gold medals;

– a book of records of the consequences of internal control;

– a journal of missed and replaced lessons;

– journal of the extended day group;

– a book of minutes of the meeting of the pedagogical council;

- a protocol form for the state final certification of students (students) in the system of general secondary education.

According to the Law "On comprehensive general secondary education", the organization of document circulation in a general secondary education institution belongs to the duties of the head of the institution.

General requirements for working with documents in state and communal institutions of general secondary education are contained in the corresponding Instruction on record keeping in institutions of general secondary education.

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