During the selection of the third subject at the DPA in the 9th grade, the school principal must take into account the wishes of the students. This, in particular, provides for changes to the order of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 59 "On conducting in the 2018/2019 academic year the state final attestation of persons obtaining general secondary education".
Yes, this year, 9th graders will take the state final certification in 3 subjects. The first is the Ukrainian language, the second is mathematics, and the third is chosen by the teacher of the educational institution. When making an appropriate decision, the teacher should focus on the wishes of the students. This change was predicted by the Ministry of Education and Culture in connection with numerous appeals to the Ministry by school students and their parents.
"This choice must be made on the basis of partnership pedagogy. Pedrada cannot independently and irrevocably determine the third subject, first it is necessary to ask the opinion of the children and their parents. It is worth conducting an open dialogue, paying attention to the "profile" of the class, etc., said the Minister of Education and Science Liliya Hrynevych.
You can choose a third subject from among the following:
- for classes where the language of the national minority is not studied - biology, world history, geography, foreign literature, foreign language (English, French, German, Spanish), computer science, history of Ukraine, law, Ukrainian literature, physics, chemistry.
- for classes with teaching or studying the language of a national minority - biology, world history, geography, literature, foreign language (English, French, German, Spanish), computer science, integrated course "Literature", history of Ukraine, law, language of the national minority, Ukrainian literature, physics, chemistry.