Regarding the launch of kindergartens

People's deputies appealed to the Cabinet of Ministers with a request to consider the possibility of opening preschool education institutions, including private, from June 1, 2020.

The corresponding appeal was initiated by Volodymyr Voronov, head of the subcommittee on early development and preschool education of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation.

The author of the appeal notes that most kindergartens, which are already on the verge of bankruptcy, will be forced to close.

He emphasizes that with the end of the quarantine and the closing of kindergartens by September 2020, this problem will be faced by many Ukrainians, and thousands of Ukrainians in the specified field will remain without work.

Also, entrepreneurs and workers in the field of private education will be left without sources of income, wages and means of further existence.

According to the deputy, preschool and other children's institutions, regardless of the current epidemiological situation, always observe anti-epidemic and sanitary-hygienic norms in their activities.

"Employees of children's institutions are very well acquainted with the norms and rules of sterilization and disinfection, because this is part of their daily work. We understand that the state is currently unable to provide financial assistance to businesses, so we believe that the most optimal option may be to relax quarantine measures for children's institutions, allowing a gradual resumption of activities that will be in line with nationwide measures to relax quarantine with strict adherence to the recommendations of the Ministry of Defense health," says Voronov.

In his opinion, the relaxation of quarantine measures can take place in 3 stages.

At the first stage, institutions can obtain permission to organize "on-duty groups" in kindergartens, after-school institutions, and children's centers for parents who have documents (certificates) from the workplace about the need to perform work duties.

The second stage may provide permission for the organization of short-term stay of children and day care for children.

At the third stage, it is proposed to fully renew the provision of services by children's institutions.

The appeal to the Cabinet of Ministers has already been supported by many people's deputies.

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