Handbook on mixed education in professional education institutions, MES

The Ministry of Education together with the EU Program "EU4Skills" created a manual on the organization of blended learning for vocational education institutions.

The instructional manual contains practical advice for managers and teachers on developing a blended learning strategy and creating a safe and comfortable educational environment.

According to the Deputy Minister of Education Ihor Harbaruk, students should be able to learn equally effectively both in workshops and in front of a laptop monitor or on a phone, and thanks to modern technologies, such learning is quite possible.

"However, this is a kind of challenge for vocational education institutions, because they need not only to adapt the educational process to new formats, but also to make it as useful as possible for students. The manual on blended learning will help to organize learning easily and clearly, taking into account the needs and interests of students of a particular institution," Ihor Harbaruk said.

The guide contains teaching guidelines for teachers, practical instructions and illustrations for using digital tools.

In addition, managers of vocational education institutions will learn how to properly organize and manage the educational process in conditions of mixed learning.

The guide also includes online services and applications that will help with the organization of online learning, and tips for motivating and engaging students in the learning process.

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