According to the adviser to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Danylo Lubkivskyi, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine established the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education.
"From now on, it is a permanent collegial body authorized by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" to implement state policy in the field of quality assurance of higher education," Danylo Lubkivskyi said.
The agency will form requirements for the system of quality assurance of higher education, develop regulations on accreditation of educational programs, conduct a license examination, prepare an expert opinion on the possibility of issuing a license for conducting educational activities in the field of higher education, form expert industry councils, compile and submit a list of specialties to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, according to which higher education applicants are trained, to make decisions on accreditation or rejection of accreditation of the relevant educational program.
According to Resolution of the CMU "On the establishment of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education" the procedure for forming the first members of the agency will take place within nine months from the date of entry into force of the Law (that is, until June 6, 2015) in the following order:
- for a period of two years, two members are delegated by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and one member from each national branch academy of sciences;
– nine members from state higher education institutions are elected for a term of four years;
- three members from private higher education institutions are elected for a term of four years;
– one member is elected from communal higher educational institutions for a term of three years;
- three members are elected by the joint representative body of all-Ukrainian associations of employers' organizations for a term of three years;
- two members are elected by the congress of representatives of student self-government bodies of higher educational institutions for a term of two years.
Some regulatory and control functions of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine will be transferred to the responsibilities of this agency. Also, the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education will replace the Higher Accreditation Commission (HAC) and the State Accreditation Commission (SAC). "This agency will carry out independent control, as the state cannot evaluate itself," emphasized Serhii Kvit, Minister of Education and Science.