Distance education will replace correspondence

Starting from 2024, distance education will replace correspondence and evening education in higher education institutions.

This innovation is provided for in the bill aimed at increasing the flexibility of educational trajectories and improving the educational process in universities, which received support from the Cabinet of Ministers.

The Ministry of Education and Culture indicates that the noted feature of the remote form is the absence of strict regulations: students themselves decide when and where to study the material, adhering only to the general schedule.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, part-time and evening education, borrowed from the Soviet era, began to lose its relevance, approaching the distance form. "In Europe, correspondence education does not exist at all, therefore we propose a transition to a distance form that is more widespread and understandable in the EU," the Ministry emphasizes.

Those students who are already studying part-time or evening will have the opportunity to complete their study programs in the format they are used to.

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