In 2020, each participant of the external evaluation can choose no more than four subjects for testing.
In 2020, school graduates and students (students) of vocational and technical and higher educational institutions, who in 2020 obtain a full general secondary education, the results of an external independent assessment of three subjects chosen during registration will be counted as grades for the state final certification .
The Ukrainian language is the first compulsory subject of DPA.
The second is mathematics or the history of Ukraine (by choice). You choose the third subject yourself from the proposed list: history of Ukraine, mathematics, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, English, Spanish, German, French.
To count the grades for the state final certification, you can choose both mathematics and the history of Ukraine at the same time and pass an external evaluation of these subjects.
In order to enter a higher educational institution for studies at the educational and qualification level of a bachelor, the applicant must submit to the institution of higher education external examination certificates for three competitive subjects (or two competitive subjects in a specialty, for which it is necessary to pass a creative competition).
The competitive subjects for which the entrant must provide external examination certificates are determined by the Conditions of Admission to Higher Education Institutions in 2020, depending on the specialty chosen by the entrant.