How graduates of the master's degree will take the unified state qualification exam (UEDKI) - a draft of the corresponding provision was developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture and placed for public discussion.
Such an exam will be taken by those graduates who, starting in 2018, will enter the master's program in a number of specialties. Their list was previously approved by the Government. These are, in particular, all specialties of the fields of knowledge "Veterinary Medicine", "Health Care", "Military Sciences, National Security, State Border Security", "Civil Security", "Transport", as well as the specialties "Law", "Cyber Security ", "Atomic energy", "Public management and administration", "International law".
It is assumed that EDKI will allow to determine the level of competence of a graduate, his readiness for professional activity, according to a single standard.
"The single exam at the end of the master's degree is needed in order to have a reliable tool for checking the quality of education in the so-called regulated professions. These are the professions in which society sets special requirements for the training of specialists, because they are associated with a high level of social responsibility, security, international obligations, etc. For example, doctors, lawyers, military, pilots. There are uniform standards for the training of such specialists, and the state must monitor the level and quality of their compliance," said Oleg Sharov, Director General of the Directorate of Higher Education and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
In the procedure proposed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, it is determined that the exam can be conducted according to various types of tasks - testing, tasks with a detailed answer, etc., in some specialties - according to the technology of external examinations. It is planned that the programs of EDKI will be approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture or state bodies to which higher education institutions belong, and will be published on their website.
Also, the draft document stipulates that information about the exam result is noted in the appendix to the master's diploma and entered in the EDEBO. If a graduate fails to pass the EDKI, he can retake it once within two years. In case of repeated unsuccessful examination, the student is expelled.
If you have your suggestions and comments on the project, you can submit them by June 25, 2018 to the e-mail address